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OnlyOffice: Save dialog in Mac OS

The Save dialog in Mac OS, that OnlyOffice uses, has a few unique features that are not found in save dialogs in other operating systems.


Left column (sidebar)

The left column contains Favorites folders, iCloud, a list of connected drives, such as USB sticks, and tags. Scroll up and down with your mouse or with the associated with the sidebar.

Clicking one of folders or tags reveals its contents in the middle section, that is to the right of this column.

Items in the four sections of the sidebar can be changed by clicking Preferences in the Finder menu of the Finder application. It is in the Sidebar tab of the Finder Preferences dialog that launches.


Middle section

The middle section lists the contents of the active folder in the drop-down menu. The contents will contain folders, as well as various documents. Documents will be faded out, so they cannot be selected.

Double-click folders to enter them. The folder you enter will be the active folder, and it will be listed in the drop-down menu.

There are several items that can affect what is seen in the middle section. They are located above the the middle section, in the same bar that the drop-down menu is located.



Drop-down folder menu

In addition to the left sidebar, there is a list of folders above the middle section. It contains the active folder. The active folder's content is in the middle section.

The menu also has folders that have been recently accessed and a list of folders that the active folder is inside. This is the hierarchical structure that the active folder is part of.

Click one of these to change the active folder and the contents of the middle section.

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Back and forward arrows

These two arrow buttons are on the left side of the dialog, located above the sidebar. Click the left one to go back to the folder that you were previously in. Click the right one and you will return to the folder you just left.

This allows you to quickly move between two folders when you are deciding where to save the document you are about to save. The folders that you switch between don't need to be in the same hierarchy. For example, if you were in your iCloud folder, then you clicked a USB drive, the arrows will switch between the iCloud and USB drive.


View/Grouped drop-down menu

This is located to the right of the arrows. This menu is divided into three sections. The first section will reveal and hide the sidebar.

Section two changes the view of the middle section. The choices are as follows:

  • Icons

  • Lists

  • Columns


Search bar

This is the farthest item to the right in the bar above the middle section. Type in it and the middle section changes and shows only results that match the text string you typed.

There is a bar that appears at the top of the middle section that has two choices: This Mac and the name of the active folder. Clicking This Mac will allow the text in the search bar to apply to every document and folder in your system. Clicking the active folder restricts the results to just that folder.



New Folder

New folder is located in the same bar as the folder drop-down menu, search bar, and a the items mentioned above. There is also a button located at the bottom, left of the dialog. Clicking either one launches a dialog.

In the New Folder dialog, type over "untitled folder" in the text box. Then click the Create button. Before performing these steps, use the drop-down menu and left column to make the desired folder active.

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